Florent Domenach

Contact Information:
Dr. Florent Domenach
Associate Professor
Computer Science Department
University of Nicosia
46 Makedonitissas Avenue
P.O.Box 24005
1700 Nicosia, CYPRUS
Phone: +357 22841731
Fax: +357 22357481
email: domenach.f at unic.ac.cy

B218 (main building)

Office hours:
Th 16:00 – 18:00
Fr 15:00 – 18:00

Most of my papers can be downloaded at academia.edu. Please contact me in case you don't find the article you're looking for.

Books Edited or Written

  1. F. Domenach, D.I. Ignatov and J. Poelmans (Eds.) (2012), Formal Concept Analysis, 10th International Conference, ICFCA 2012, Leuven, Belgium, May 7-10, 2012, Proceedings. ISBN-13: 9783642298912, Publisher: Springer-Verlag New York, LLC. Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Series, #7278. 321 pages.
  2. F. Domenach, D.I. Ignatov and J. Poelmans (Eds.) (2012), Contributions to ICFCA 2012, 10th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis, Publisher: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, ISBN: 978-9-08-140995-7
  3. F. Domenach (2011), Contraintes sur treillis, Editions Universitaires Européennes, ISBN-10: 613156230X, ISBN-13: 978-6131562303, 152 pages.
  4. F. Domenach, R. Jäschke and P. Valtchev (eds.) (2011), Contributions to ICFCA 2011, 9th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis, ISBN: 978-9963-9967-0-4

Refereed Journals

  1. F. Domenach, A. Tayari (2015), “DASACT: a Decision Aiding Software for Axiomatic Consensus Theory”, to appear in Mathematical Bioscience
  2. F. Domenach (2010), “Consensus de familles de Moore typées, Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines 190 (2), 125–137.
  3. F. Domenach, B. Leclerc (2007), “The structure of the overhanging relations associated with some types of closure systems”, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 49, 137-149.
  4. F. Domenach, B. Leclerc (2004), “Closure Systems, Implicational Systems, Overhanging Relations and the case of Hierarchical Classification”, Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol 47/3, 349-366 ;
  5. F. Domenach, B. Leclerc (2001), “Biclosed relations and Galois connections”, Order, 18:89-104.

Refereed Proceedings of International Conferences

  1. F. Domenach, G. Portides (2015), “PASS - a Programming Assignment Submission System”, to appear in IEEE International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning 2015
  2. F. Domenach, P. Charmarai, A. Savva, C. Christou (2015), “Felt – A Social Feeling App”, to appear in the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning 2015
  3. A. Savva, S. Hadjidakis, F. Domenach, V. Stylianou (2015), “An F1 Mobile Application”, to appear in the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning 2015
  4. C. Christou, D. Ktoridou, A. Papatheocharous, F. Domenach (2015), “Cypriot Firms, Social Media \& User-Generated Content Platforms”, to appear in the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning 2015
  5. F. Domenach, G. Portides (2015), "Similarity Measures on Concept Lattices", to appear in proceeding of ECDA 2014
  6. F. Domenach (2015), “Similarity Measures of Concept Lattices&rdquo, in B. Lausen et al. (eds.), Data Science, Learning by Latent Structures, and Knowledge Discovery, Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-44983-7\_8, pp. 89-99
  7. F. Domenach (2013), “CryptoLat - a Pedagogical Software on Lattice Cryptomorphisms and Lattice Properties“, M. Ojeda-Aciego, J. Outrata (Eds.): CLA 2013, pp. 93-103
  8. A. Coulet, F. Domenach, M. Kaytoue and A. Napoli (2013), “Using pattern structures for analyzing ontology-based annotations”, Formal Concept Analysis, P. Cellier, F. Distel and B. Ganter (eds),LNCS/LNAI vol. 7880, pp 76-91
  9. F. Domenach, A. Tayari (2013), “Implications of Axiomatic Consensus Properties”, in Algorithms from & for Nature and Life, B. Lausen, D. van den Poel and A. Ultsch (Eds.), Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Springer-Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, 59-68. Best paper award – Methods.
  10. F. Domenach, A. Tayari (2012), “Decision Aiding Software Using FCA”, in F. Domenach, D.I. Ignatov and J. Poelmans (Eds.), Contributions to ICFCA 2012, 10th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis, Leuven, Belgium, May 7-10, 2012, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, pp. 69-81.
  11. F. Domenach (2010), “Aggregation of closure systems: case of hierarchies, topologies and convex geometries”, proceedings of 8th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis ICFCA 2010, pp.11-19.
  12. F. Domenach (2010), “Agrégation de systèmes de fermetures: cas des hiérarchies, topologies et géométries convexes”, in S. Ben Yahia, J.-M. Petit (Eds.), RNTI E19 Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances EGC 2010, pp. 715-716.
  13. F. Domenach, M. Hachimori (2007), “On generalized shelling sets, kernel mappings and point-configuration mappings”, 5th Japanese-Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 35-37.
  14. F. Domenach (2005), “Cryptomorphisms of Closure Systems, Axiomatization and Structures”, 4th Japanese-Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, pp. 41-43.
  15. F. Domenach, B. Leclerc (2004), “Consensus of Classification Systems, with Adams' Results Revisited”, In Banks, D., House, L., McMorris, F.R., Arabie, P., Gaul, W., Classification, Clustering and Data Mining Applications, Springer, Berlin, pp. 417-428 ;
  16. F. Domenach, B. Leclerc (2004), “Sur le consensus des systèmes de classification”, in M. Chavent, O. Dordan, C. Lacomblez, M. Langlais, B. Patouille (editors), Comptes rendus des 11èmes rencontres de la Société Francophone de Classification, Bordeaux, Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, pp. 173-176.
  17. F. Domenach, M. Koda (2003), “Mining Association Rules using Lattice Theory”, in S. Ogawa (Ed.), proceedings of the Symposium in “RIMS Kokyuroku” series, 2003.
  18. F. Domenach, B. Leclerc (2003), “Emboîtements et implications associés aux hiérarchies et aux systèmes de fermeture”, in Y. Dodge, G. Melfi (Eds.), Méthodes et Perspectives en Classification, SFC 2003, Neuchâtel, Presses Académiques de Neuchâtel, pp. 113-116 ;
  19. F. Domenach, B. Leclerc (2003), “Overhangings in closure systems”, in M. Nadif, A. Napoli, E. SanJuan, A. Sigayret (Eds.), Fourth International Conference Journées de l'informatique Messine, Knowledge Discovery and Discrete Mathematics, Rocquencourt, INRIA, pp. 115-122 ;
  20. F. Domenach, B. Leclerc, (2002). “On the roles of Galois connections in Classification”, in “Explanatory Data Analysis in Empirical Research”, M. Schwaiger and O. Opitz (Eds.), Explanatory Data Analysis in Empirical Research. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis and Knowledge Organization, Invited lecture at the 25th Conference of the German Classification Society (Munich, March 2001). Munich, Springer-Verlag, pp. 31-40.

Conferences Presentations

  1. With G. Portides, “Comparison and Statistical Evaluation of Similarity Measures on Concepts in a Lattice&rdquo, 2nd European Conference on Data Analysis, 2-4 July 2014, Bremen, Germany.
  2. “Decision Aiding Software And Consensus Theory”, IFCS 2013 International Federation of Classification Societies, 2013, 15-17 Juillet 2013, Tilburg, Netherland.
  3. “Similarity Measure of Concept Lattices”, ECDA 2013 European Conference on Data Analysis, 10-12 Juillet 2013, Luxembourg.
  4. “Using Pattern Structures for Analyzing Ontology-based Annotations”, Journées Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale, Aix en Provence, 12-14 Juin 2013 (avec A. Coulet, M. Kaytoue and A. Napoli).
  5. “Agrégation de systèmes de fermetures: cas des hiérarchies, topologies et géométries convexes”, 10ième Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances EGC 2010, January 26-29, Hammamet, Tunisia.
  6. “Galois lattices and classification structures”, 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Workshop Formal Concept Analysis for Knowledge discovery in Databases (Lyon, University Lyon I Claude Bernard et INSA; organisateur : Michel Liquière), with B. Leclerc, 20 July 2002, Lyon, France ;
  7. “Nesting relations, hierarchies and closure”, in an invited session on Dissimilarities, IFCS 2002 (International Federation of Classification Societies), 16-19 July 2002, Cracow, Poland.
  8. “Les relations bifermées: une approche des treillis de Galois en classification”, 1er Congrès National en Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles, SMAI'2001, 28 May – 1 June 2001, Pompadour, France;

Workshops and seminaries

  1. “Knowledge Discovery for Complex Data in Formal and Relational Concept Analysis“, Seminar, Nicosia, Cyprus, 09 December 2014
  2. “Relations bifermées et consensus en treillis“, Journée en l'honneur de Bernard Monjardet, Paris, France, 31 October 2014
  3. “Analyse formelle de concepts, application à l'analyse d'annotations sémantiques“, Seminar LIRMM, Montpellier, France, 28 January 2014.
  4. “Cryptomorphismes des familles de Moore – approche pratique“, Journée des Treillis Messin, 25 March 2013
  5. “Ce que les Treillis de Galois peuvent apporter pour l’aide à la décision“, Séminaire de l’IRISA, Université de Bretagne Sud, France, 20 Mars 2013.
  6. “Treillis de Galois et aide à la décision“, Séminaire du CODAG, Université de Caen, France, 19 Mars 2013.
  7. “Hiérarchies, emboîtements, fermetures et relations bifermées“, Mathématiques discrètes : théories et usages, 30 March 2009, Paris.
  8. Workshop on Algorithmic Decision Theory, LAMSADE - DIMACS meeting, 28-31 October 2008, Paris.
  9. Workshop on Knowledge Extraction and Learning, COST action IC0602 Algorithmic Decision Theory, April 17-19 2008, Catania, Italy.
  10. “Lattices and cryptomorphisms to extract association rules“, Workshop on Knowledge Extraction and Learning, COST action IC0602, November 8-10 2007, Madrid, Spain.
  11. “On generalized shelling sets, kernel mappings and point-configuration mappings“, Kyoto CGGT2007 Kyoto International Conference on Computational Geometry and Graph Theory, 11-15 June 2007, Kyoto, Japan.
  12. “Mining association rules using lattice theory“, 6th World Congress of the Bernouilli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability, 25-31 July 2004, Barcelona, Spain.
  13. “An introduction of Galois Connections and Conceptual Classification”, Seminar of Laboratory for Neuronal Circuit Dynamics, Brain Science Institute, RIKEN, Japan, 18 July 2003 ;
  14. “Association Rules, Taxonomies and Lattices“, Workshop on Stochastic Numerics, Kyoto University, Japan, 14-16 July 2003.
  15. “Constrained Galois Connections and Conceptual Classification”, Faculty Seminar, 29 November 2002, Tsukuba University, Japan ;
  16. “Les correspondances de Galois en classification: une introduction”, Rencontres du 3ème Cycle, 12 September 2002, CERMSEM, University Paris I ;
  17. “Implications, emboitements et fermetures“, Matinée Implications et Treillis, 29 April 2002, CAMS, EHESS;
  18. “Analyse des données par l'utilisation des treillis”, seminar of LEMTAS, 10 January 2002, University Paris V René Descartes.
  19. “Relations bifermées et Correspondances de Galois”, IXèmes journées sur les ensembles ordonnés, treillis et applications, 2 April 2001, CAMS, EHESS.